Write about your reasons for taking a keyboarding class. Include something about what you hope to accomplish by the end of the course and how this skill will help you in the future. Then reply to one classmate's posting. Be sure to use proper keyboarding technique and check carefully for typos. Include your first name and last initial to get credit for this activity.
I am taking keyboarding because I want to type faster and more accurately. I am also taking this course because I know we need to type a lot of papers in high school so I want to get my papers done quickly. By the end of the class, I hope to accomplish typing around 70 words a minute. This will help me in the future because later in life I may have a job where it requires fast and accurate typing.
- Brandon F.
There are many reasons why I chose to take the keyboarding class. First of all, I want to learn how to type fluently and quicker. I also want to learn more about computers. Every student at my school has a laptop and I believe that this class will better my knowledge about computers. By the end of this course,I want my typing skills to be very accurate and I want to be able to type 50 words per minute.
I am taking this class because I think that typing will be a useful skill in the future.I want to be able to type effectively so I can get my work done faster.I also want to be able to type because I might have a job that requires good typing skills.Everything is done by computers these days so you have to know how to use them.
I am taking keyboarding class becuasi i am in a habit of typing with two fingers and I want to learn to type with all of them. I also stare at the keyboard when I type and I want to learn to memorize where all of the letters are. I also hope this class will make me a faster and more accurate typer so when i type papers in high school I will finish them faster then I was able to before.
I am taking keyboarding class because I am unsatisfied with my typing speed and accuracy. Also, I want to get accustomed to Loyola, because I will be coming here in the fall. By the end of the course I hope to be able to type around 50 words per minute. This will help a lot when I am typing papers for school. It will also make me a more efficient worker when I am finished with my education.
The reason I wanted to take a keyboarding class was because I wanted to learn how to type better without looking down. I had already knew how to type without looking down, but I had a lot of erros and kept hitting the backspace button. That's about the only reason why I took this class and that's what I plan on achieving for whatever opportunities that come my way in the future.
I am replying to rayshawn c, I agreee with what you are saying because, that would be the main reason why people take a keyboarding class so they won't be forever on a paper they have to type.
I am taking this keyboarding course because I want to be able to type more accurately. This course will also better prepare me in the future because a lot of jobs require computer skills. By the end of this summer I hope that my typing skills will be as good as they are now without all the errors.
I am taking computer adnd typing because I didn't want to take speech or social studies. I am also taking typing to learn how to type faster without looking at the keyboard.By the end of this class I hope to type faster and more accurately.
I am replying to Justina's comment. I also would like to better my typing skills and to become more accurate.
I am replying to Garrah K's comment. Your comment was well thoughtout and your reasons were perfect. Great Job!!
I am commenting on brandon f's comment. I understand his reasons for taking keyboarding, they are like my own. I agree that being skilled at typing will help in high school and at a job
I am taking keyboarding because I feel it is important to do all you can to reach your fullest potential.In this case I would like to improve my acceracy and speed by the end of this class.
I am replying to Syerra's comment because I used to type with a lot of errors too.The backspace button was my bestfriend.I also want to learn how to type without looking down.
I am taking keyboarding because I want to learn how to type properly. I hope to learn how to type 20-40 words a minute properly by the end of this course. Lots of jobs require those who know how to type so this skill will help with me getting a job is the future. Hopefully i will be able to type faster than i already do by the end of this course also! LOL
I am taking key boarding because my parents told me i had to take a second class and this looked like the best class to take because i will use all these skills the rest of my life. I want to be able to tpye about 30 words a minute buy the end of the class I type about 15 words a minute now.
I am taking this course so that it will help me type better and help me with my career later in life. I am hoping to be able to type at least 40 or more words per minute by the en of this class
im taking typing class because i want to improve my typing skills for my future. because in college you have to type alot of reports and stuff and i want to do those easily. Right now i type at 25 avg. and i want to leave this class with at least 40-50 words a minute.
Im replying to Chris' comment and that i argee that he will use this technique the rest of his life.
I am replying to joshua's blog. I agree with him for the college thing. I will have to type a lot later in life so its good im learning now.
I'm Shyuara Davis, I am taking keyboarding this summer, because I want to advance my skills. Also so I can get a half a credit for next year. Plus taking this class will help me in the future with everything I do.
I am taking this keyboarding class so i will be able to use my keyboarding skills in high school. By learning how to type without looking at the screen will help me with papers.I am sure that this course will help a lot even after high school!
I am taking this course to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. I also want to improve my speed. These skills will help me during college because I will have many papers to type. These will help me also in high school because I don't want to take forever typing a paper with only one finger!
I am replying to Nicole H's comment. I am sure you will achieve the goal you have set in front of you! Keep it up!
I am taking this class so that I can better my typing abilities. One of my weaknesses last school year is that it took me forever to complete some assignments. So hopefully this will help me for next year and the rest of my life.
~peace out~
The reason I am taking the class is because I want to be a better at typing and type fast. I hope to be able to type faster and do 40 words a minute by the end of the summer. I think this will help because I will have to write a lot of papers in highschool and I want to type them fast
I am taking this class because I was forced and I want to know how to use things like power piont for projects.Also i want to learn how to type without lookin at the keyborad all the time.
This is in response to kyle m's comment. Kepp up the goood work and tell off your parents, they can't tell you what to do.
I am taking keyboarding because I want to be able to type faster. I want to be able to type papers faster. By the end of class I want to be able to type about 50 words a minute with no errors. This will help me beacuse I am interested working in the field of computers.
I am taking this computer/typing class because I hope to learn more about computers and be a more fast accurate typer. The skills I learn in this class will help me in the future because eventually our world will be all about computers. I might even get a job when I'm older that might even include some computer skills. Reaching my goal of 50 words per minute is essential for me and I will try my hardest to accomplish it.
I am taking keybording because i would like to be able to type faster with less mistakes. Also i would like to earn credits for next year by the end of this summer. This way I wont have to take this course next year. By the end of this summer I would like to be able to type at least about 45 words per minute. This will help me in the future because when I reach the collegiate level there will be many papers to type. Also as far as a career goes you must have skills in the keyboarding area.
The main reason that I am taking this keyboarding class is so that I can take Geometry (I'm not exactly good at math). By the end of this course I hope to improve my current typing speed of 30 wpm. This school will help me in the near future for writing papers for my AP classes. The new skills will help me type my papers and everything else that I will have to type faster and more accurately.
I am commenting on Jack's comment. I want to get use to the feel of Loyola and I agree that it'll make me a better employee after my school years.
I'm commenting to Aidan K. and ya dude you will need it for all the papers you wil be typing because trust me, there will be tons of papers you will be typing next year and good luck achieving that goal.
I am replying to Kelly B's comment I also want to Type faster and more accurately
It really was my mom's idea for me to take a keyboarding class, because she noticed how long it took me to type papers for school(which was usually a very long time). At school that I just graduated from, St. A's, we used a keyboarding program twice a week in fifth and sixth grade, but I still look at the keyboard when I type. I'm not a particularily fast typist (as far as typing goes) and I normally type 30-35 words a minute. With this class my goal is to be able to type 60 words a minute (without looking at the keyboard). It's a pretty high goal but it would be great to type one word a second! This class will help me in the future, because everyday the computer is becoming more a part of our lives as it advances to do almost anything we could ever imagine.
~Devin S.
Im commenting on Chris N my parnets also made me go to this class and I'll try to get faster at typing
The reason I am taking this class is because i really want to inhance the way I type on the computer. I really want to improve my typing habits.
I am taking keybording because i want to improve my typing skills. I think keyboarding will help me write my papers faster and give more knowlege about computers.
I agree with rayshan, we do have to get our typing skills better especially me.
I am taking the keyboarding course because I believe it is a useful skill to have in the future. Not only will it help me get school papers done faster, it will also be a skill that I may need for future jobs. I am also taking this course to become more efficient in typing. I think it will help me type faster without looking down at the keyboard. By the end of the course, I hope to be able to type as many as 60 words per minute and, overall, become better at typing.
I am replying to Jasmine’s comment. I also took the course for the same reasons, and I hope that we both accomplish our goals so that we aren’t still finger typing as sophomores!
I am taking this class for two reasons. one is to type fast without looking at the keybored. second is for my career in the future. Right now i can type about 16 words a minute but by the end of this course i want to type about 40 to 50 words a minute.
I am taking keyboarding because i would like to type faster and more accurately. I just finished my first year in high school and through out the school year we typed alot of papers, so I know by taking this course I will be able to type faster.
I am replying to yinka a. I also took the course for the same reasons. I think that I world is becoming more and more dependent on computers, so this course will help me alot.
I am replying to Jack Powers I think its great you want to improve your typing skills on your own.It is also a good idea to become accustomed to a new school because sometimes other people can get you even more lost than you were.Last summer I took a course here and my friend DanYale and I asked someone where are room was and he got us even more lost and not to mention late for class. :*(
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Hi DanYale,Juanita,Kionte,and Rayshawn! Thanks for the comment Juanita! ;*)
I am replying to Joshua's comment because in college most teachers will give you essay to type so taking this class is very important.
i am replying to nicole h's comment i think that i should also improve my acceracy by the end of class.
I am taking keyboarding class because I want to learn how to type without looking down at the keyboard. I feel that looking down at the keyboard makes me type slower. Also, I want to be able to type more accurately becasue when I start typing more accuraley, then my speed will pick up on its own. I hope to accomplish these goals by the end of this class.
I am responding to Jasmine's comment. I believe that we have the same goals and we will both accomplish them together.
i am replying to aidans comment, I agree that it will help a lot in writning my paper in the future
I am replying to Yinka's commment. I also have the same goals and I do believe we will need these skills in the future
I am replying to Demoz. I am taking typing class for the same reasons. Hopefully by the end of the summer we have both reached our goals.
I am taking this keyboarding class because I want to be able to type faster. I also want to be able to to type more accurately. Those are some of the reasons that I am taking this keyboarding class over the summer.
I'm taking this class because I don't want to take it during school. And because I want to learn to type faster. because right now I type really slowly and
I have to look down.
I'm replying to kyle m.'s comment, my parents pretty much forced me too.
I am commenting on syerra j.'s blog. I also look at the keyboard which is a habit that I need to break. I think this class will help anyone who looks at the keyboard while they type, as well as reducing errors. I hope you achieve the opportunities that come for you in the future!
Good luck to all typists-
Devin S.
I am responding to Justina B's comment. I agree with her and think that typing is a very good skill to have.
i agree with joshua about the college thing.
i am responding to simon s.'s comment, i also want to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard!
I'm taking keyboarding because I feel that I should improve my typing skills.
I am responding to Rayshawn's comment and I hope that you succeed in your goals.
I am taking this class so I can type my papers faster and more accurately. By the end of class I want to type at around 40 words a minute.
I am responding to Devin. I would like to type my papers faster without looking at the keyboard, too!
The reason im taking keyboarding is so i could be advanced and know how to type for college. Im also taking it so it can help me later in life because i want to open my own business.
I am responding to what Jack P said about getting to know loyola. I feel that it is important to get to know the school you are coming to also.
I agree with Brandon F. because taking this course would help all of us in the long run. It would help everyone alot.
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